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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Master's Diaries (Part 2)


Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah....
Selawat dan salam buat Rasulullah s.a.w., keluarga dan sahabat baginda serta seluruh umat Islam.

Alhamdulillah, hari ni Allah bagi kesempatan untuk tengok proposal presentation classmate. Dia dah 2nd sem, memang patutlah kena present proposal. Masuk tadi, dia dah halfway, tup2 dah sampai methodology and expected results. Tak apalah, dengar komen dari panels lagi penting. Anyway, congratulations Vincent! Your part is done and mine will be coming soon. ><

Dengar komen dari sorang panel (not from our school, kerek betul ye) betul-betul buat aku jadi keras@kaku. Soalan dia buat orang jadi speechless (even my friend had answered him) ada je dia bangkang. Baru proposal. Terfikir juga, how will my turn be? huh, Rabbi yassir wa la tu'assir....Tapi, baguslah dia komen macam tu, and dapat jugak grab several tips buat bekalan masa hadapan:

Tips untuk Proposal Presentation Supaya Tak Kena SMASH

1) Define all terms in the title

Every single term ya. Like mine, Preparation of protein hydrolysate extracted from eel (Monopterus sp.) protein and its in vitro antioxidant and anticancer activities. So, kena la tau apa tu preparation (x kan x tau kan), protein hydrolysate, eel protein (muscle), in vitro, antioxidant, anticancer, activities (activities and actions lain tau, baru tau tadi)

2) Be specific in all objectives

Objektif jangan terlalu luas, kena fokus. Satu fasa, satu objektif.

3) Expected results mesti sync dengan objectives

Kalau dekat objektif contohnya tak ada bagi tau pasal ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) activity, tak payah nak pandai2 tambah ACE dalam expected results. Mengabihkan bogheh yo.

4) Kena tahu setiap procedure yang kita guna

Why guna certain wavelength, why ambil certain berat, bukan blindly ikut any journal. That's why dalam paper ada perkataan, "with some modification" tapi kena tahulah kenapa modify this and that, kang speechless pulak kalau panel tanya.

5)  Our main material, what is soooo special about it?

Apa yang special dengan belut ya? Hurm......

6) Read the basic principle

Mestilah kan, jangan tahu experimental side je, buat-buat, dapat result, tapi tak faham konsep. The key is READ, IQRA'!

7) Be confident (ni tambah sendiri, panel x cakap pun)

Confident je, not over confident

Ok, tu je nak share. Time to continue reviewing papers...da....da...

Sorry Vincent, I know this is not you


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