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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Semester Holiday? It ends today... (^_^)


Alhamdulillah. Selawat dan salam buat Rasulullah s.a.w., keluarga dan sahabat2 baginda, juga seluruh umat Islam.

Lebih seminggu dah tinggalkan KT, rindu. Tapi kat sini pun x lah bosan, sangat happy, lebih2 lagi nak dekat practical ni. Seminggu di rumah, besides dapat jumpa mama n abah, nothing much happy. Tak buat apa sangat. Cuma yang bestnya dapat join family gathering d rumah baru banglong di Sendayan, dapat jumpa my 2 nieces. How I miss them much! Then, tengok baby boy bangah yang baru lahir, sangat kecil n comel si budak Ahmad Ibrahim Za'imuddin ni. Comelnya! Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for giving me the greatest family I ever had. 

Now, I'm staying in Klang. Rumah wanda. Subhanallah, bestnya! Best sebab dapat pergi masjid hari2, dengar kuliah subuh, kuliah maghrib. Allah knows and always knows what I need. Allah always put me at the best place He want me to be. Thus, no reason for me (actually) to betray Him. Siapalah kita, tak sempurna kan. Maha Baiknya Allah yang sayang dekat kita, buat dosa pun Allah masih kurniakan kasih sayang-Nya (^_^). Now, can't wait to join my first usrah here! Tajuk post ni semester holiday ends today kan? Ya. Esok mula praktikal di hospital Klang (HTAR). How do I feel right now? Am I ready for tomorrow? What will I face tomorrow? I feel...I don't know. Nak kata excited, no. Nak kata takut, sebelum ni ada but not now. Macam mana ya rasa first day practical? I don't know. I did worked before this, tapi, ni industrial training. It will be different right? Setiap kerja kan berbeza. Tak apa, just do it! Just a step closer to hold a degree. Why do I have to be scared? Allah kan ada (^_^). Rabbi yassir...Insya-Allah.

Do I? Hurm...But I do love coffee!


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