Alhamdulillah 3x, sholawatuwassalam 'ala Rasulillah, wa 'ala alihi washohbihi wasallim.
Dear diary,
I'm not feeling well. Mild cough and running nose since last Saturday. Nak cuti :'( Okay, this's not the point. Tukar suis!
I just came back from KL few days ago. Cerita dah nak basi baru nak hupdate kan. Tak apalah, yang penting publish. So, ada apa dengan KL??? Here, International Invention & Innovation Exhibition @ ITEX'15! I was very looking forward to this event because it was the first international competition I ever joined. It was a great moment which I got the medal I've ever dreamed! Alhamdulillah, terima kasih ya Allah :')
Let's start with what had happened since last March. If last year I joined just one competition (Inovasi@ UMT which was chosen to participate at ITEX '15), this year I challenged myself in not 1 but 4 competitions; Poster competition@MIFT (March), Inovasi@Unisza (April), Inovasi@UMT (May) and ITEX'15 (May). Berani kau ye!
Poster competition & Inovasi@ Unisza
Disebabkan pengalaman pertandingan last year, so, jadi ter'excited' nak join competition lagi. These two were so-called nak cuba nasib je. Tak harap menang pun sebab present project baru. Tak banyak results lagi, tak gempak manalah kan. And yes, disebabkan semangat yang suam-suam kuku tu, dapatlah certs. Yeay!!! But the experience is so priceless! Di MIFT (9th Food Science and Technology Seminar by Malaysia Institute of Food Technology), dapat jumpa orang-orang yang sama niche dengan kita. They're all foodies including me, si tukang makan! Dekat sinilah kita dapat tengok all food-based researches di IPTA dan IPTS. Banyak juga U yang join, semenanjung sampailah ke Sabah. UMS was the champion and they will represent Malaysia for the international competition in Philippine this June, my SV kata UMS always the champion, cayalah!
Inovasi@Unisza pun best. Ini cubaan berani mati. I told my SV that I want to participate in this competiton, and she said, "Ok, kita join." 'Kita' la sangat kan! Daripada daftar, print poster sampailah present depan judges, buat sendiri je. My SV tolong semak abstract and poster, Ok la kan. Hati berbelah bagi sebenarnya sebelum hari pertandingan. Rasa nak tarik diri like what have I done? Apesal ko gatal-gatal pi daftar? Kerja lab, writing banyak lagi kan? Bla bla bla....syaiton sangat. Berat hati pun harung jugak, alhamdulillah, got new experience, become more confident for the next competition (wink2x)! I was so thankful that I found such an awesome designer, mek Jiha. She's the one yang tolong buat logo for my product. Here it is, cantik kan (geli pun cantik jugak) :D
I just came back from KL few days ago. Cerita dah nak basi baru nak hupdate kan. Tak apalah, yang penting publish. So, ada apa dengan KL??? Here, International Invention & Innovation Exhibition @ ITEX'15! I was very looking forward to this event because it was the first international competition I ever joined. It was a great moment which I got the medal I've ever dreamed! Alhamdulillah, terima kasih ya Allah :')
Poster competition & Inovasi@ Unisza
Disebabkan pengalaman pertandingan last year, so, jadi ter'excited' nak join competition lagi. These two were so-called nak cuba nasib je. Tak harap menang pun sebab present project baru. Tak banyak results lagi, tak gempak manalah kan. And yes, disebabkan semangat yang suam-suam kuku tu, dapatlah certs. Yeay!!! But the experience is so priceless! Di MIFT (9th Food Science and Technology Seminar by Malaysia Institute of Food Technology), dapat jumpa orang-orang yang sama niche dengan kita. They're all foodies including me, si tukang makan! Dekat sinilah kita dapat tengok all food-based researches di IPTA dan IPTS. Banyak juga U yang join, semenanjung sampailah ke Sabah. UMS was the champion and they will represent Malaysia for the international competition in Philippine this June, my SV kata UMS always the champion, cayalah!
Inovasi@Unisza pun best. Ini cubaan berani mati. I told my SV that I want to participate in this competiton, and she said, "Ok, kita join." 'Kita' la sangat kan! Daripada daftar, print poster sampailah present depan judges, buat sendiri je. My SV tolong semak abstract and poster, Ok la kan. Hati berbelah bagi sebenarnya sebelum hari pertandingan. Rasa nak tarik diri like what have I done? Apesal ko gatal-gatal pi daftar? Kerja lab, writing banyak lagi kan? Bla bla bla....syaiton sangat. Berat hati pun harung jugak, alhamdulillah, got new experience, become more confident for the next competition (wink2x)! I was so thankful that I found such an awesome designer, mek Jiha. She's the one yang tolong buat logo for my product. Here it is, cantik kan (geli pun cantik jugak) :D
This year, I was presenting my new product (Bio-Eelate yang berlogo santek tu). Kalau tahun lepas sv yang present depan judges, now, it's my turn! Horror sangat!!! Sebenarnya relax je (yelah kan, kata dah dapat confidence lepas join 2 competitions) tapi bila first judge datang, huh, heartbreaking! Baru je nak explain, dia terus potong and said, "Ok, let's make it short. Your poster is good enough, but look here, your method is so damn simple!". Ai, sakit jantung makcik!!! Then, she started questioning several questions, jawab je dengan tenang, senyuman penuh menawan (padahal dalam hati, only God knows, haih). Then, came the second judge. Alhamdulillah, baik sangat. Tanya pun lembut je. I adore you, prof Nora Aini! Nama pun nak sama :) The award ceremony was at the third day. Tengok je orang naik pentas. So, balik la dengan hati redha (takpelah bukan rezeki nak menang). Couple days after that datang bilik sv. She then said, "Ha Nura, our product got bronze". Me: La, yeke? Alhamdulillah, ingatkan tak menang, tahun lepas dia sebut semua dari bronze sampai gold. Patutlah sikit je yang naik pentas, dia sebut yang dapat gold je rupanya. Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah! Seriously, didn't expect it sebab dah kena heartbreaking comment kan. Dapat bronze pun bahagia!
The best part of ITEX'15 was its preparation. It took almost two weeks to prepare all the tapai and ice cream things, packaging lagi (Our product was tapai ubi ice cream). Hectic sangat! Part packaging la drama. Untuk label atas bekas, my sv nak print atas glossy sticker (macam label atas bekas wall's, King's, Nestle tu). Then, pergilah kedai print banner. Orang kedai tanya, nak berapa? Satu je, hehe. Satu kita tak buat, paling sikit 50 keping. Memang taklah kan! I made my own plan, mujurlah sv setuju. Tak susah, print laser macam biasa, then lekat transparent sticker atas dia. Cantik!
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Pinjam bekas Wall's |
Tapi drama tak habis lagi. Design untuk cone ala-ala Cornetto tu pulak. Penat sungguh, sampai terlelap fikir macam mana nak buat cone shape dalam power point. Sorry la, I tak pandai nak guna photoshop. Nak minta khidmat my awesome designer, kesian pulak. Pukul 3 pagi baru dapat the real shape. Nikmat sungguh!
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Ok la kan untuk beginner :) |
Untuk ITEX ni kena buat post lain, special sikit sebab ada event lain waktu ni. Kalau nak cerita the whole dalam ni, jadi panjang berjela. :D This's it, our Silver medal! Alhamdulillah!!! Ehem, sebenarnya ada kisah disebalik medal ni. Actually, satu team dapat satu medal je, kalau ahli lain nak kena beli RM90 untuk 1 silver medal. I was asked to buy 1 for my teammate. I went to the counter and bought it. I whispered, "Oh God, I really want this". Apakan daya cash cukup-cukup makan. Masa tu macam-macam dalam fikiran, nak buka plastik and ambil gambar medal tu, but my teammate will found out if I did that. So, bagilah ke tuannya. Muka ketat je dia ambil medal tu. What he said was, "Ala, I dah ada banyak silver" (because he bought 2 medals, silver and bronze but the bronze was out of stock and he has to wait for the medal to be sent by post). Dalam hati aku, "Oh, please dr., bersyukurlah, aku ni mampu tengok je". The next day, before the award ceremony, a staff went to our booth and passed a medal. My sv took it and asked him, "For whom?". He then said for our teammate (dia ingat dr. tu tak dapat lagi medalnya). I said I had taken for him. Ayok! So, my sv said, "Nah, take this. it had happened to me before when I joined ITEX during my study". Sama pulak nasib kita kan. Alhamdulillah, I got it for FREE!!! Salah tak? I don't know, I called it REZEKI, heheh ;)
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Ampun, gambar tak clear |